Year 3 & 4 1:1 BYOD Program

Gaayip-Yagila Primary School is launching a 1: 1 Bring Your Own Device initiative in 2025. This is not a compulsory program, but is optional where students in Year 3 and 4 will be able to bring an iPad to use for educational purposes only. In line with our GYPS vision, we believe that offering our community a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program will further develop our commitment to excellence and will empower students to become connected, engaged and collaborative learners of the 21st century.   


Gaayip-Yagila Primary School’s mission is to ensure our students are confident learners who are literate, numerate and demonstrate resilience, creativity, critical thinking and problems solving skills to succeed in a constantly changing world. In an ever-increasing digital world, we must also strive to ensure that our children are well equipped to take their place as leaders and positive contributors in our society.  Please click here to read more information.


Benefits of a 1:1 program 

  • Improved student motivation and active engagement in learning  
  • Improved teacher capacity to plan for and meet individual student needs.  
  • Students able to present their understanding in more varied ways.  
  • Access to wide range of tools when needed to enhance learning.  
  • Greater independence and self-initiated learning among students.  
  • Greater responsibility by students for taking care of devices.  
  • Extended learning beyond the classroom.  
  • Improved parental engagement in learning.  
  • Strengthened communication between home and school.  


Why the iPad? 

The criteria we used to evaluate devices were curriculum requirements, teacher professional learning, user experience, safety and security, cost and hardware capability. Based on these criteria, the iPad was deemed the most suitable learning device to enhance student learning and allow for access to the full curriculum.  

  • Dynamic Learning Tool: iPads offer fast, automated, and interactive tools for effective knowledge sharing. 
  • Transformative Learning: They empower students to control their learning by providing choice to engage with content. 
  • Creative Support: iPads facilitate audio, video, and image creation, enhancing understanding in all subjects 
  • Cost-Effective and Personal: Affordable for one-on-one learning, suitable for anytime, anywhere use. 
  • Familiar Interface: The touch interface aligns with students' everyday technology use. 
  • Long Battery Life: Can be used throughout the entire school day. 
  • Portability: Lightweight and easy to carry in school bags. 
  • Wide App Availability: Access to diverse topics encourages exploration and interest-based learning. 
  • Minimal Technical Support: Intuitive design reduces the need for tech assistance. 
  • Collaborative Environment: Promotes collaboration and sharing, supporting higher-order thinking and creativity. 
  • Efficient Information Management: Aids in accessing, organizing, processing, and publishing information across multiple apps. 


Please click on the link for the 2025 app list




  • Recommend iPads are 10th Gen 64GB WiFi Only
  • Existing 9th Gen (EOL but can be used)
  • Older iPads minimum 32GB storage + latest iOS
  • WiFi only Prefered, 4G goes against DET Mobile Phones Polcicy. (No SIM Cards while at School)

Technical Issues & Responsibilities

  • Students / Parents Responsibility for maintaining devices
  • IT will provide support for students when required
  • Insurance - Optional
  • Apple Care- New Purchases Only- Optional


If you are interested in setting up APPLE family sharing please click here FAMILY SHARING.



© Gaayip-Yagila Primary School