Gaayip-Yagila Primary School follows a whole school approach to Reading and Viewing. Initially there is a strong focus on developing oral language, phonological awareness, phonics and concepts of print through a structured learning approach. Alongside these strategies teachers focus on developing high levels of accuracy, comprehension, fluency and vocabulary.
The lessons include; explicit modelling of the reading strategies using mentor texts, time for independent tasks and teacher conferencing with small groups of students with a similar focus. Students independent tasks can include teacher focus groups, word work activities, reading responses, comprehension activities, literature circles, digital technology activities and literacy games. At the conclusion of each session, students participate in self and peer reflections based on the success criteria linked to the explicit learning focus. Teachers are continually assessing and updating student goals through conferencing and strategy groups and use non-negotiable curriculum standards for student achievement at each level.
Gaayip-Yagila Primary School follows a whole school approach to Writing.
Writing sessions in Foundation to Year 4 are aimed at developing student’s knowledge and purpose of writing. Via structured and explicit teaching students begin to understand the process of developing their ideas into a published piece. Simultaneously the foundations of word knowledge, spelling, grammar and handwriting are laid. Whole class, individual and small group activities covering elements such as phonics, phonemes and simple spelling and grammar rules are developed to meet individual learning needs.
Writing in Years 5 and 6 is taught through a whole class focus, addressing components of the process of writing; developing ideas, planning, drafting and revising. Writing sessions also address the editing component where the focus is on vocabulary development, spelling rules and grammar. Students have increased ownership over their writing in every facet from developing the idea to the final stages of revising, editing and publishing. Students continue to work individually or in small groups where they may be of like or mixed ability.
Gaayip-Yagila Primary School embeds the approach to Speaking and Listening within all curriculum areas. We provide students with opportunities to develop and practise their skills in Speaking and Listening through both incidental experiences and through more formal planned activities.
Speaking and Listening refers to the various formal and informal ways oral language is used to convey and receive meaning. It involves the development and demonstration of knowledge about the appropriate oral language for particular audiences and occasions, including body language and voice. It also involves the development of active-listening strategies and an understanding of the conventions of different spoken texts.
Whole-school tools used to encourage students at develop their Speaking and Listening skills include:
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