At Gaayip-Yagila Primary School our inquiry learning program is an approach that requires students to actively investigate questions, issues and ideas about the world through Science, Health and the Humanities, over a two-year cycle. Inquiry also incorporates Technologies and The Capabilities. Students focus on a ‘big question’ that address these learning areas. Students are given opportunities to develop the skills needed for critical and creative thinking, including: asking questions and determining possibilities, reasoning and reflecting.
The inquiry approach involves:
Civics and Citizenship fosters the skills, values and dispositions of active citizenship. The curriculum is used to develop whole school and classroom routines and expectations. It encourages students to engage and contribute to their local community. The curriculum also promotes knowledge of Australia’s democratic heritage, its political and legal institutions, and its society so that young people can participate as informed citizens.
History provides opportunities for students to experience and, where appropriate, to develop some understanding of events and people of different times and places. It enriches the curriculum by enabling students to actively explore the world around them. This is achieved through exploring and handling artefacts, visiting museums, stories, books, photos and through practical craft like activities linked to particular topics.
Geography allows students to explore, experience and develop an understanding of areas within their local environment, e.g. their school, local shops, the weather, jobs, water, maps, directions and exploring the differences between the country and the town. In the senior school it is hoped that in the future students will be involved in activities to help them develop greater global perspectives.
Economics and Business is introduced to students in Year 5 and 6. This is completed in alignment with real-life experiences where students establish an event for the school.
© Gaayip-Yagila Primary School