At Gaayip-Yagila Primary School all students undertake a Performing Art and Visual Art lesson each week. Students will develop skills and knowledge of the arts, explore ideas and respond accordingly. Gaayip-Yagila Primary School will alternate between hosting an Art Show and Concert each year. Beginning 2021 the school will deliver an Art Show, as a wonderful showcase of the emerging talent of our students. Each student will contribute to these events.
We believe that The Arts provides students with the development of aesthetic awareness and a broad range of cognitive, language, personal and social skills, as well as skills used at work and in leisure activities. These provide a range of unique experiences for all students that are essential for their total development. The Arts Program will provide opportunities for all children to experience success and develop a positive attitude.
The program will be developmental in its own right and make links with the integrated curriculum units including other cultures and values. Students will work with a wide range of materials and equipment encompassing drawing, painting, clay modelling, construction, threads and textiles and art appreciation. All efforts will be made to display children's work both at school and in the wider community. Students will also experiment and immerse themselves in the world of entertaining.
© Gaayip-Yagila Primary School